Imagine, with the help of World Fax Services, you can contact fax machines all over the world -- no matter where, no matter how many, no matter what time -- all done from your computer in the comfort of your home/office. It is called Fax Broadcast. We realize that you need the most value for you money. We also know that busy people need things to be simple.
No matter where you are or where you want to send your message, no matter how many faxes you want to send, and no matter when you want them sent, Fax Broadcast from World Fax Services is here to make communication productive and profitable. One way we help you extract the maximum value out of your fax broadcasts is through our powerful mail merge feature. It makes you feel good when you hear your name. Others like to be addressed by their names as well. Supply us with a list of names. We can personalize each fax. Nothing boosts sales conversions better than personalization! That's what mail merge is all about-boosting your sales. Our ability to personalize your fax broadcast goes beyond names.
You can select addresses and other fields to be personalized and delivered selectively. If you have the creative vision, we will work with you to see that your dream becomes a reality. You can also create a "Do Not Fax" list so customers who opt-out never get faxed again. Do you like to get things done immediately and know that they are taken care of? Your fax broadcast can go out almost instantly. Or are you someone who likes to plan ahead and stay one step ahead on your list of tasks? You can prepare your fax in advance and schedule delivery times that fit your schedule.
The major benefits of using our online fax blast service are the ability to blast your message to all your contacts with a few clicks of the mouse. In other words, you can broadcast your fax to your whole address book or list of contacts very quickly and very easily by using this more modern way of faxing. For this reason, our online fax has become very popular with businesses that need a more efficient way to broadcast their messages. Our Fax blast service can be an effective tool for your business. You can fax blast to generate exposure for your business. We can generate leads for your business with our fax blasting service. We provide fax blast service in the USA for business wishing to expand your customer base, generate new leads, and send out thousands of faxes to customers.
Company newsletters-Keep customers informed about your business.
Press Releases-Let the media know what your business is doing. You may get some free exposure!
Branch Office Communications-Keep remote locations working together harmoniously.
Publicity Campaigns-Promote new products, specials, a new location, you name it.
Invoices-Eliminate postal costs. Fax for just pennies.
Our Tools Promote Fax Broadcast Productivity!
Compatibility with all Web Browsers
World Fax Service doesn't require you to use a specific web browser to submit jobs. The World Fax Client feature is compatible with all of the common web browsers.
Receive detailed status reports for all your transmitted fax jobs. Our basic reports include Failed Faxes, Successful Faxes, and Duration reports. Customized reports that share additional information are available.
Job-centric Design
This turbo-charged World Fax feature allows you to run several jobs at any time. Line up jobs by priority level so that those with highest priority are submitted to the server first. Those jobs with the same priority level are submitted concurrently and comprise an equal percentage of the job.
Fax Broadcast Tools to Promote Branding and Conversion!
Cover Page Editor/Document Designer
Created to enhance your fax broadcasts, this is an amazing tool that helps you to create personalized documents. Develop a template that establishes brand identity. This powerful feature improves the appearance of your broadcasts, increases the chances that the fax will be read and ensures that the fax is relevant to the recipient.
CPE/DD allows you to add a personal touch to the fax broadcast by embedding database fields that allow customization of outgoing faxes.